Chris Tucker Tickets
Arizona Financial Theatre | Phoenix, Arizona

Chris Tucker announces his first major tour in over a decade! Catch the “Friday” star as he stops by the Arizona Financial Theatre on Thursday, October 5th, this year. After a twelve-year hiatus, the award-winning comedian and producer will kick off his “The Legend” Tour early this fall and finish by January next year. Tucker is best known for his lead role in the Rush Hour franchise trilogy alongside co-star Jackie Chan as well as his supporting performance in the critically-acclaimed film Silver Linings Playbook. His first-ever stand-up special on Netflix showcases his mind-blowing comedic chops while sharing childhood experiences with a live crowd. The recent show is a reminder of how gifted Tucker is as a mimic and a physical comic in this generation! Don’t miss the chance of a lifetime to see one of the biggest names in the comedy scene in his upcoming thirty-date tour! Tickets are on sale, so reserve your seats today!
Watch Chris Tucker go back to his roots and bring the crowds to tears with his live stand-up comedy at the Arizona Financial Theatre on Thursday, the 5th of October this year!
As part of his upcoming “The Legend Tour,” Chris Tucker has announced thirty shows scheduled to take place from September this year to January next year in venues across the mainland United States and Canada. This announced event will be his first major tour after a twelve-year hiatus.
Although the comedy industry has evolved significantly since Tucker's last tour and his Netflix comedy special, "Chris Tucker Live," Tucker claimed in an interview with The Times published in April that travelling keeps him sharp and gives his fans a lifeline.
“I started my career doing stand-up in comedy clubs, and it’s stand-up comedy that prepared me for all my movie roles. I’m looking forward to getting back to my roots. I love performing live; there’s nothing like the energy of a live crowd and making people laugh. I’m excited to be back out on tour.” he shares in his latest statement regarding the tour.
Before his scene-stealing performance in the classic movie “Friday” brought him to stardom, Tucker gained fame as a rising stand-up comedian. After the success of his film debut, he passed on the sequels in favor of odd supporting roles in movies like “Dead Presidents” and “Jackie Brown.”
“Even his low-brow material caused the audience to erupt in laughter. On the subject of truly knowing someone’s sleeping habits before you wed, Tucker made a wide array of fart noises, naming them different wars,” the Medium shares in a recent live review.
“Despite conflicting political and religious beliefs, Tucker’s performance brought audience members under one roof for the same reason: to laugh. And at a time when the nation is as divided as ever, it was much needed, even if only for a mere two hours.”
Witness Chris Tucker’s live performance at the Arizona Financial Theatre - one of the go-to spots for live comedy and entertainment in downtown Phoenix! Purchase your tickets now before it’s too late!